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Info for you

The House Ethics Committee has found “substantial reason to believe” Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) violated congressional rules on accepting gifts and further extended their investigation noting her actions may have violated “standards of conduct and federal law.”

The potential rules violation stems from AOC’s 2021 appearance at the Met Gala in a “tax the rich” dress.

The New York lawmaker was subject to two ethics complaints filed that year after she sat at a sponsored table during the event, something reportedly valued at up to $300,000.

Ironically, the designer of AOC’s “tax the rich” dress was later outed as a tax cheat.

The Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) has recommended that the House Committee on Ethics review the allegation further because “there is substantial reason to believe that she accepted impermissible gifts associated with her attendance at the Met Gala in 2021.”

RELATED: AOC Slapped With House Ethics Investigation, But Team is ‘Confident’ It’ll Be Dismissed

AOC’s Potential Ethics Violation

The OCE released an 18-page report stating that the board had found “substantial reason to believe” that AOC “accepted impermissible gifts.”

AOC’s “tax the rich” dress stunt at the 2021 Met Gala made her the subject of widespread mockery – wearing such a lavish gown to an uber-lavish event for the elites bearing a socialist message.

The New York lawmaker defended the stunt saying it allowed her to convey a message on “what it means to be working-class women of color at the Met.”

Video of her rubbing elbows with the super-elite class of New York City, maskless, while servants held the train of her exotic gown said anything but working-class woman.

The report notes that besides the designer dress, AOC may have improperly accepted gifts in the form of a handbag, shoes, and jewelry that “she did not pay for”, while her boyfriend “received a bowtie and shoes in advance of the event.”

RELATED: Report: AOC Gets Slapped With A Second Ethics Complaint For Her ‘Tax The Rich’ Met Gala Appearance

AOC Throws her Staff Under the Bus

Perhaps the highlight of the ethics review is hearing how AOC tossed her staff under the bus for any improper accepting gifts at the Met Gala.

“And I just never, ever, ever would have allowed that to happen knowing what I have learned, but that I wasn’t privy to the invoices, wasn’t privy to the ones that had been sent,” she told investigators.

“And it is just a deeply regrettable situation. I feel l terrible for especially the small businesses that were impacted,” added AOC.

This is funny coming from the woman who has consistently chirped about Donald Trump being responsible for every untoward business dealing in every venture he’s overseen in his decades as a businessman.

“If Rep. Ocasio-Cortez accepted impermissible gifts, then she may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law,” the report states.

The ethics office says that the Democrat may have originally failed to pay for “several thousands of dollars’ worth of goods and services provided to her.”

They further state that AOC only made payments on the items in question once she found out she was under investigation.

“While Rep. Ocasio-Cortez appears to have now paid for the rental value of the attire she wore to the Met Gala and for the goods and services she and her partner received in connection with this September 2021 event, payment for these goods and services did not occur until after the OCE contacted her in connection with this review,” the panel explains.

AOC Scoffs at Ethics Investigation

The OCE is described as “an independent, non-partisan entity charged with reviewing allegations of misconduct against” lawmakers.

Despite the investigation being referred to the House Committee on Ethics for further review, Ocasio-Cortez and her staff are quite confident nothing will come of the incident.

“While regrettable, this matter definitively does not rise to the level of a violation of House Rules or of federal law,” AOC’s legal council said in a statement.

“Even after OCE’s exhaustive review of the Congresswoman’s personal communications, there is no evidence that she ever intended to avoid these expenses.”

Funny, they never ‘intend’ to enrich themselves through their connections in office, yet they somehow always manage to do it.

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