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White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, while declining to comment on the specifics of a recent NAACP ‘travel advisory’ to Florida, went on a detailed rant against Governor Ron DeSantis and the state’s Republican lawmakers over their alleged “attacks” on the black and LGBT communities.

Jean-Pierre made the openly hostile comments during a press briefing on Tuesday after being questioned by a reporter about the attention-seeking advisory.

“Where we have been, as an administration, as a White House, we’ve been outspoken about the impact of misguided policies advanced by Florida lawmakers,” she answered.

“Republicans in — in Florida have attacked diversity. They’ve attacked inclusion efforts. They’ve limited the teaching of black history,” Jean-Pierre continued.

“And they’ve launched attacks on the LGBT youth, immigrants, educators, and women’s reproductive freedom. That’s what you have seen from lawmakers in Florida.”

The voice of the administration said the White House plans to keep calling out any state like Florida that tries to “take away [Americans] freedom.”

RELATED: NAACP Issues ‘Travel Advisory’ for Florida, Claiming State is ‘Openly Hostile’ to Blacks

The NAACP’s Fake ‘Travel Advisory’ is a Joke – So Is Karine Jean-Pierre

The Political Insider reported earlier this week on the NAACP’s ‘travel advisory‘ for blacks thinking about heading to Florida.

“Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals,” the formal advisory states on the NAACP’s website.

Which is quite the humorless joke considering Leon Russell, Chair of the NAACP Board of Directors, reportedly lives in Tampa.

“Governor Ron DeSantis and the state of Florida have engaged in a blatant war against principles of diversity and inclusion and rejected our shared identities to appeal to a dangerous, extremist minority,” Russell said.

The focus on Florida all of a sudden is rather perplexing unless you come to the realization that Jean-Pierre, the White House, and Democrats, in general, all feel DeSantis is an actual threat.

The Florida governor is expected to announce a presidential campaign on Twitter later this evening.

RELATED: MSNBC Dem Claims Florida About to Be a ‘Terrorist State’ for Black Lesbians – She Vacationed There for Spring Break

Hillary Clinton Also Agrees With NAACP’s Move

Also in agreement with the NAACP’s Florida ‘travel advisory’ – Hillary Clinton of ‘superpredator’ fame.

“Ron DeSantis’s ultra-MAGA Florida isn’t safe for people of color, LGBTQ+ people, or even multi-billion dollar corporations,” the two-time presidential loser wrote.

Yes, the woman who made the phrase “superpredator” in referring to young African-Americans famous, who said they needed to “bring them to heel,” and who was mentored by the late Senator Robert Byrd, a recruiter for the KKK, has some thoughts on the safety of the black community.

Jean-Pierre and Clinton aren’t the only ones beclowning themselves over the NAACP ‘travel advisory.’

Democratic strategist and former candidate for Congress Aisha Mills suggested Florida is unsafe for blacks and lesbians and described it as approaching a “terrorist state.”

And she made that bold statement after bringing her family there for spring break.

Nearly 60% of voters in Florida approve of the job Governor DeSantis is doing for his state. Denigrating it and its residents is a peculiar tactic heading into the 2024 presidential election, especially when you consider Florida has typically been an important swing state.

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