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Constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley responded to testimony by Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer by declaring that President Joe Biden has been lying, and that his influence peddling may amount to “one of the greatest corruption scandals in the history of Washington.”

Archer, who served with Hunter on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, testified in a closed-door meeting with the House Oversight Committee on Monday.

The former associate of the First Son provided bombshell testimony indicating that President Biden interjected nearly two dozen times on phone calls and in personal meetings with his son’s business associates while serving as vice president as a means to sell “the brand.”

Those familiar with Archer’s testimony indicate his claims contradict the President’s avowal that he had nothing to do with his son’s lucrative business dealings.

In 2019, Biden insisted that he had “never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period.”

More recently, the president angrily denied the contents of a text message that seemed to outline one of these instances when he was in the room while his son was conducting business.

RELATED: Homeland Security Committee: Hunter Biden Received Millions From Ex-Moscow Mayor’s Wife

Turley: Biden Corruption Is A Massive Scandal

Turley, the normally measured George Washington University law professor, seemed taken aback by the Archer testimony and declared that President Biden had outright lied about his influence peddling.

Remarking on Biden’s claims he stayed out of Hunter’s business, Turley said, “That’s clearly false.”

“I mean, these are accounts of almost two dozen calls made with these associates, some of whom are the most corrupt figures in Europe, where the vice president would call in,” Turley stated.

“That’s the point of influence peddling,” he continued. “When Archer says that he was there to sell the brand, the brand is influence peddling, and Joe Biden is the object of that influence peddling.”

Turley suggested there are more questions to be answered and seemed to indicate that things could get worse.

“We have to find out the full story here,” he urged. “I think this is shaping up to be one of the greatest corruption scandals in the history of Washington, and that says a lot.”

RELATED: Hunter Biden’s Ex-Partner Set To Testify That Joe Biden Was On Calls With Son’s Business Associates At Least 24 Times

Democrats Insists Biden Was Only There To Talk About The Weather

Representative Dan Goldman (D-NY) admitted that Archer’s testimony indicated President Biden had been in contact with Hunter’s business partners, a clear contradiction to previous claims.

However, Goldman concluded that Biden only spoke about “casual niceties” and “the weather” but never spoke about business.

“Like many people, Hunter spoke with his father every day, and would often put his father, occasionally would put his father on to say hello to whomever he happened to be caught at dinner with, and Mr. Archer clarified that was sometimes people that they were having, you know, they were trying to do business with, and it was sometimes friends or other social engagements,” he downplayed.

“As he described it, it was all casual niceties, the weather, what’s going on,” Goldman continued. “There wasn’t a single conversation about any of the business dealings that Hunter had.”

Sure thing. Just the weather. You know, the way members of the mob discuss the National League East standings before they eventually break out actual baseball bats.

According to reported photographs, visitor logs, and other documentation, President Biden personally met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates over 16 occasions between 2010 and 2018 – including associates from China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Mexico.

Bouncing off Turley’s claims, Biden’s lies are an indicator that he knows his actions were at best wrong, at worst criminal. And those lies have been incredibly frequent.

President Biden claimed his family never made money from Chinese entities when bank records show that they have. He claimed Hunter’s laptop is “Russian disinformation” when it isn’t.

And now, claims he had nothing to do with Hunter’s business associates continue to fall apart.

It doesn’t get much more corrupt than this.

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