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Nobody has been more broken as a human being by Donald Trump than former congresswoman Liz Cheney. Adam Kinzinger, who has become little more than a troll on X, comes close, but ends up a little short, as he does with most things in his life.

Cheney, in an interview with the CNN host Jake Tapper over the weekend, refused to rule out a run for the presidency in 2024 in part because the former President, she fears, is “the single most dangerous threat we face.”

That’s right. War rages in Eastern Europe and has for months on end. War now rages in the Middle East as terrorists attack Israel and the Taliban took over Afghanistan. And war rages at our border as terrorists invade on a nearly daily basis.

But it’s Trump that marks the biggest threat to this nation.

Tapper asked the former Representative from Wyoming if she would jump into the race for the GOP nomination. Cheney responded coyly that she’d help “elect candidates who “believe in the Constitution and who take their responsibilities seriously to Congress.”

“But you’re not ruling out a presidential run?” Tapper replied.

“No I’m not,” Cheney said.

RELATED: Professor Liz Cheney is Taking Her Talents to Virginia, Where She Will ‘Fiercely Defend Democracy’ to Students at UVA

Democrats Cheering Warmonger Cheney For 2024

The question here is – Who sold out their principles more? Democrats who are cheering on a Cheney presidential run in 2024 because she is a far bigger warmonger than the big bad orange man who prefers a path to peace? Or Cheney herself, who abandoned every conservative principle she ever held because of that same mean fella?

And the answer, of course, is both. Both have abandoned their principles because they simply can not get Trump out of their heads.

Take a look at some of the responses on social media.

“It may encourage non-maga Republicans,” writes one X user. “That would be nice.”

“Liz is one of the smartest and most experienced candidates around. Folks need to wake up,” another writes. “This is the kind of leadership that America needs.”

“Make no mistake about it, a second Trump term would be the end of America as we know it,” a group calling themselves Republicans Against Trump adds. “We must do everything we can to stop Trump.”

In her interview with Tapper, Cheney went on to say that Trump “cannot be the next president.”

“If he is, all of the things that he attempted to do but was stopped from doing by responsible people around him at the Department of Justice, at the White House Counsel’s office, he will do,” she continued, jowls shaking furiously. “There will be no guardrails and everyone has been warned.”

RELATED: Mark Levin Says J6 Committee Got His Private Emails: Vows to Fight Liz Cheney’s ‘Police State Crap’

Cheney Says Republicans Elevating ‘White Supremacists’

Solidifying the fact that Cheney as a 2024 presidential candidate would be nearly distinguishable from Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, the former Rep. suggested Kevin McCarthy, who was just ousted as House Speaker for being too moderate, is elevating extreme lawmakers.

“Looking the other way in the face of the kind of assault on our democracy that we’ve seen from Donald Trump and his allies in the House, including Jim Jordan; elevating those members, frankly, some of whom are white supremacists, some of whom are antisemitic,” she said.

Zomg – Not the wHiTE suPrEmaCIstTS!

Democrat talking points galore right there.

To the contrary, I haven’t seen McCarthy promote rabid anti-Semites like those making up Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s radically liberal Squad. See, that’s the thing though: Cheney can’t focus on the threat from the left because she’s been completely broken as a human being by the former President.

When your entire platform for a 2024 run would be to stop one person rather than standing up for your own policies and platforms, you’re an incredibly pathetic individual.

Cheney, after losing her job in Congress, was named earlier this year as a Professor of Practice for the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia (UVA).

She probably shouldn’t quit her day job.

Cheney has been vociferously pushing the United States toward nuclear war by supporting Ukraine in their fight with Russia and denouncing anybody who feels America is more important. Just like her daddy.

She was soundly defeated in her primary by nearly 40% after representing Wyoming’s at-large congressional district from 2017 to 2023.

She’s been hinting at a presidential campaign in 2024 for quite some time.

Running for president “is something that I am thinking about,” Cheney told NBC’s Today last August.

Which is a lie. There is nothing she thinks about 24/7 other than Donald Trump.

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The post Liz Cheney Might Run Tor President To Stop Trump In 2024 appeared first on The Political Insider.