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Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) called Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) unfit for office after another health scare in which he froze mid-sentence for an uncomfortably long time.

Greene’s comments also took aim at a host of other leaders who are suffering from public health scares at an exorbitant rate.

“Severe aging health issues and/or mental health incompetence in our nation’s leaders MUST be addressed,” she demanded.

“Biden, McConnell, Feinstein, and Fetterman are examples of people who are not fit for office and it’s time to be serious about it,” she added.

In a follow-up post, Greene said that family members and staff of these elderly politicians should be “ashamed” and argued that the 25th Amendment must be put into play in the case of President Joe Biden.

“We are talking about our country’s national security and it’s all at stake!” she insisted.

RELATED: Conservatives Call On McConnell To Resign After Health Episode

Mitch McConnell Freezes … Again

Just to recap what Greene is referencing, McConnell was filmed taking questions from reporters in Kentucky on Wednesday when he suddenly froze and looked ahead motionless for roughly 30 seconds.

As with many incidents involving Biden, the video of the incident was extremely difficult to watch and gave off strong elder abuse vibes.

It is the second time in just over a month that McConnell’s hard drive did a factory reset in the middle of a public appearance.

Speaking at a press conference in late July, the 81-year-old Republican from Kentucky suddenly froze mid-sentence and stared blankly at reporters for about 20 seconds.


In a similar scene, colleagues eventually stepped in to ask McConnell if he wished to say anything further to the press before being escorted away.

Aides brushed off the latest incident as a case of the Senator feeling “lightheaded.”

Most people who feel lightheaded sit or lie down, or even get themselves a glass of water. It’s not typically common practice to morph into your own wax sculpture at Madame Tussauds.

RELATED: Trump Taunts Mitch McConnell After Hecklers Interrupt Speech And Call For Him To Retire: ‘I Agree!’

Too Many Incidents Like This

Earlier this year, McConnell suffered another health scare when he tripped at a Washington D.C. hotel after an event for the Senate Leadership Fund.

He suffered a concussion and cracked rib from the incident and spent several days in the hospital, returning to work six weeks after the initial fall.

Aides later quietly admitted that the GOP leader has fallen more than once.

As for the others mentioned by Greene, the 90 year-old Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) at one point couldn’t understand why Vice President Kamala Harris had shown up to cast a tie-breaking vote in the Senate, according to The New York Times.

The report noted that Feinstein is confused “about the basics of how the Senate functions” and has had memory issues requiring assistance from her staff “for years.”

She didn’t even remember she’d been absent from the Senate for three months during a battle with shingles.

John Fetterman meanwhile, still struggles to have coherent conversations after experiencing a stroke that left him unable to understand words and meanings. He also missed weeks from the Senate after being treated for clinical depression.

Fetterman needs special monitors and tablets to understand basic conversation. The Times reported that colleagues have had to adjust to his “special needs.”

Biden’s mental health issues and his physical inabilities have been chronicled so extensively over the years that it’d be impossible to rehash them in their entirety.

“These politician’s staff and family members should be ashamed of themselves by enabling and allowing their loved ones to remain in office all to hold power,” Greene wrote on X. “25th Amendment and other measures need to be on the table.”

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