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Sometimes, you just know when you have to get out of a toxic relationship. As for Louisiana state Rep. Jeremy LaCombe, he decided to end his horrendous relationship with the Democratic Party, making him the second Democrat in the state legislature this year to do so an announce he’d be joining the GOP.

LaCombe isn’t the only Dem this year to say ‘enough is enough,’ since state Rep. Tricia Cotham over in North Carolina announced the same decision, therefore ensuring that the Republicans in the house now have a veto-proof majority and can halt any of Gov. Roy Cooper’s decisions they see fit.

Like other Democrats ranging from city councilmen to US Senators such as Kyrsten Sinema last year, the party top to bottom has simply wandered too far left, and has forced many of its members to truly question how much more of the insanity, whether it be the party’s authoritarian tendencies as seen during the 2020 COVID lockdowns, or simply the dive straight into socialism and more, they are willing to tolerate.

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Too Crazy to Keep Going

LaCombe’s switch to the GOP comes at a time where the Republicans have already earned a supermajority in the house, which much like over in North Carolina, means they can override vetos by Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards.

House Democrat Caucus Chair Sam Jenkins, now having to face the second Democrat-to-Republican conversion in the past year, told local press that “We look forward to working with Rep. LaCombe during this legislative session to increase wages, lower costs, improve our schools and pass insurance reform that benefit Louisiana families and small businesses.”

While Jenkins appears to be accepting LaCombe’s switch rather well, this now leaves the Dems in the state house with only thirty-two members within the 105-member chamber, consisting now 71 Republicans and 2 Independents.

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An Obvious Trend

In March, TheBlaze reported the first Democrat of the year within the Louisiana House of Representatives to switch to the GOP, paving the way for LaCombe’s eventual switch.

State Rep. Francis Thompson, who served in the House as a Democrat for 48 years, said that the party’s anti-Christian stances were what ultimately forced him to choose between politics and his faith.

“The push the past several years by Democratic leadership on both the national and state level to support certain issues does not align with those values and principles that are a part of my Christian life,” Thompson said of his decision.

While not explicitly citing the final straw that forced his decision, LaCombe, like Thompson, also boasted a voting record that showed a tendency to support socially conservative policies.

TheBlaze noted that since 1994, “there were reportedly 169 state legislators who crossed the aisle, including 48 state senators and 121 state representatives.”

Ballotpedia showed that while twenty-three Republicans made the switch to become Democrats, eighty Dems switched to become Republicans. The stragglers jumped into third parties, either becoming independents or becoming Greens or Libertarians.

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The post More Democrat State Reps Leave Party to Join GOP, Signifying the Democrats are Way too Radical appeared first on The Political Insider.