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Newly released January 6th security footage at the Capitol shows Nancy Pelosi’s daughter continuing to film for a documentary as the then-Speaker was being evacuated from the building.

The clips, showing three different angles of Pelosi’s exit, were released and aired for the public to see by Just The News Thursday evening.

The evacuation wasn’t exactly the chaotic scene one might have expected. Instead, it shows Pelosi casually shuffling along while her daughter Alexandra holds a camera up to film the scene.

The outlet reports that the prominent Democrat “exited Hollywood-style from the home of Congress” with “her daughter filming her as security officers tried to guide her through a secret safe passage corridor.”

Alexandra Pelosi is a filmmaker who just so happened to be there filming for “Pelosi in the House,” an HBO documentary released last December.

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Critics Blast Pelosi Over New J6 Video

Republican lawmakers responded to the J6 video of Pelosi sauntering out of the Capitol by accusing her of profiting off the riots.

“They use that situation to film it so that their family can make millions of dollars later by selling the video footage and a documentary,” Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said.

“It’s all about creating a movie script,” Representative Claudia Tenney (R-NY) added. “It’s all about power, abuse of power.”

She said the footage practically looks like a “made-for-TV movie.”

Steven Sund, the chief of the Capitol Police at the time of the riot, criticized Pelosi after viewing the J6 video.

“The protective detail isn’t there to protect media and whoever else was there with her for the sole purpose of videotaping creates a major distraction for the protective detail,” said Sund.

RELATED: New Video Shows Nancy Pelosi Threatening to Punch Trump If He Marches to the Capitol

Pelosi on Capitol Riot: ‘This is My Moment,’ Threatens to Punch Trump

The Political Insider reported on Alexandra Pelosi’s documentary in October of 2022.

Video at the time showed Nancy Pelosi saying she hoped then-President Trump marched to the Capitol himself so she could “punch him out.”

“I hope he comes,” Pelosi says in the documentary clip. “I want to punch him out. This is my moment. I’ve been waiting for this. For trespassing on the Capitol grounds. I want to punch him out, and I’m going to go to jail, and I’m going to be happy.”

“This is my moment.”

And the film kept rolling even under an order of evacuation.

Former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller suggested Pelosi was an ‘incoherent’ and ‘shrieking’ mess during the January 6th riot, and downplayed the crowd who had overrun the Capitol as “a rowdy band of MAGA supporters” who were “taking selfies.”

Well, they weren’t as camera hungry as the Speaker herself it would seem.

“I had never seen anyone — not even the greenest, pimple-faced 19-year-old Army private — panic like our nation’s elder statesmen did on January 6 and in the months that followed,” Miller joked.

Miller described a “histrionic” Pelosi as demanding he “get troops to the Capitol now” as the rioters were growing in number.

But these videos show no histrionics whatsoever. Was the call for troops little more than performance art on her part?

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