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The Hollywood star Michael Imperioli, who is best known for starring on the television show “The Sopranos,” has let “bigots and homophobes” know that they are forbidden from watching his work.

Imperioli’s Message For ‘Bigots And Homophobes’

People Magazine reported that Imperioli took to Instagram on the Fourth of July to send a message to “bigots and homophobes” that he has since deleted.

“I’ve decided to forbid bigots and homophobes from watching ‘The Sopranos,’ ‘The White Lotus,’ Goodfellas or any movie or tv show I’ve been in,” Imperioli wrote. “Thank you Supreme Court for allowing me to discriminate and exclude those who I don’t agree with and am opposed to. USA! USA!”

CBS News reported that Imperioli doubled down in the comments section of his post by writing that “hate and ignorance is not a legitimate point of view” and adding that “America is becoming dumber by the minute.”

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Supreme Court Ruling

This post, which immediately went viral, came after the Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 vote that a Christian website designer has the right to refuse her creative services to LGBTQ+ people, arguing that “the First Amendment prohibits Colorado from forcing a website designer to create expressive designs speaking messages with which the designer disagrees.”

Critics on the left have claimed that this ruling is an attack on the LGBTQ+ community. President Joe Biden described the ruling as being “disappointing.”

“While the Court’s decision only addresses expressive original designs, I’m deeply concerned that the decision could invite more discrimination against LGBTQI+ Americans,” Biden said, according to The Hill. “More broadly, today’s decision weakens long-standing laws that protect all Americans against discrimination in public accommodations – including people of color, people with disabilities, people of faith, and women.”

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Imperioli Backtracks

Imperioli, however, has since backtracked by deleting the post and taking to Instagram to clarify what he meant by it.

“After turning down invitations to appear on various news programs, i thought it best just to clarify: The post referred to here was a satirical and symbolic take on where blatantly discriminatory Supreme Court decisions are taking us as a nation: into utter division and possibly far worse,” he explained.

“I believe in religious freedom, freedom of speech and the right for individuals to pursue happiness. I also believe in the separation of church and state as stated in the First Amendment,” Imperioli continued. “I believe that all people regardless of race, religion, color, creed, gender or sexuality are entitled to freedom, equality, rights and protection under the laws of our nation. And i vehemently oppose hate, prejudice and bigotry and always have.”

“Some people have not gotten the irony I was expressing so i thought i’d be more explicit,” he concluded. “Anyway, the post certainly got the message across to most and did its job. End of story.”

The liberal elites of Hollywood have been losing their minds over recent Supreme Court rulings that also include dropping affirmative action and invalidating Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan. Imperioli and his fellow Hollywood friends can kick and scream all they want to, but it’s not going to stop the conservative majority on the Supreme Court from setting fire to the left’s woke agenda.

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The post ‘Sopranos’ Star Michael Imperioli Bans ‘Bigots And Homophobes’ From Watching His Work appeared first on The Political Insider.