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Far-left ‘Squad’ member Cori Bush was heavily criticized after introducing legislation demanding $14 trillion in reparations for slavery, and suggesting the United States government has a “moral and legal obligation” to do so.

Bush, flanked by activists and other leftwing extremist lawmakers like Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), announced the new legislation known as Reparations NOW at a Wednesday press conference.

“America must provide reparations if we desire a prosperous future for all,” she demanded.

“The United States has a moral and legal obligation to provide reparations for the enslavement of Africans and its lasting harm on the lives of millions of black people,” Bush said.

Bowman chimed in by claiming black people still feel the pain of slavery today, even if they’ve never actually experienced it.

“Trauma lives in the black body,” he reasoned.

RELATED: Squad Member Cori Bush Slammed 4th of July Celebrations, Claimed ‘Black People Still Aren’t Free’

Cori Bush Wants $14 Trillion in Reparations

You might be surprised to learn that Representative Cori Bush put forth her $14 trillion reparations package without a plan to fund it and clearly without thinking about the proposal very much at all.

When asked to explain how to fund the massive proposal, Bush suggested the United States slash spending abroad and on defense – the total of which would amount to some 1/14th of $14 trillion. (Which also, according to the leftist media, would make her ‘Putin’s puppet.’)

Why stop at $14 trillion? Why not just continue to make up numbers such as eleventy trillion?

As absurd as it may sound, Bush hints that the Biden administration is taking it seriously and “working with” them.

“We’re working with this administration, we’re talking with other members of Congress, but I’ll say this,” she said.

“If we can continue to fund these endless wars, or we can continue to put trillions of dollars into these forever wars, into the Defense budget even beyond what they asked for, if we can send money abroad to help elsewhere, then we have to make sure, because we’re talking about things that are happening now.”

No, slavery isn’t happening now. And not one person alive has ever been subjected to slavery in the United States.

RELATED: Far-Left ‘Squad’ Member Cori Bush Explains Why Black Cops Killing Tyre Nichols is Actually White Supremacy

Just More of that Woke Ideology

Cori Bush was widely ridiculed for her demand that American taxpayers cough up $14 trillion in reparations.

Representative Kat Cammack, a Florida Republican, slammed the plan as little more than “woke ideology.”

“I think that is just the woke ideology peeking and rearing its ugly head,” she said. “In this country, you can do anything, be anything, and this culture of victimhood, it has absolutely gotten out of control.”

You can even become a member of Congress while sporting a room temperature IQ!

Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) stated, “The notion of reparations are so absurd, they don’t even merit a response.”

Journalist Christopher Tremoglie writes that the “national reckoning” pro-reparations Democrats are demanding “was the Civil War, in which over 625,000 white men died fighting to end the evil institution of slavery.”

Bush has long been a critic of the country for which she serves as a prestigious lawmaker.

Last Independence Day, she slammed the United States and claimed “black people still aren’t free” in America.

“When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people,” she falsely claimed. “This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.”

The concept of reparations, despite far-left Democrats suggesting it is a foregone conclusion that it is right and just, remains incredibly unpopular in America.

Latest polling shows three-quarters or more of white adults oppose reparations, as do a majority of Latinos and Asian Americans.

Representative Burgess Owens (R-UT), who is black, suggested he’d like to see Democrats pay restitution to blacks “for all the misery brought to my race.”

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