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Missouri Democrat Cori Bush marked the anniversary of Michael Brown’s death by incorrectly blaming it on racism and white supremacy. For her troubles, she got slapped with an immediate Twitter/X fact-check.

Brown died nine years ago after robbing a convenience store and charging at the responding police officer, trying to wrestle his firearm away. He was shot by Officer Darren Wilson in self-defense.

The justified police shooting of a violent criminal sparked a false ‘hands up, don’t shoot‘ narrative still used by the left to this day, despite it being proven a genuinely fake news story by the Obama Justice Department.

Bush knows this and couldn’t resist trying to fan the flames of hatred once again.

“Today is the 9th anniversary of Mike Brown’s killing,” Bush tweeted on Wednesday.

“He would be alive today if the institutions of racism and white supremacy were eradicated. He should be alive today. We will never forget,” she added. “We will continue to fight for justice and accountability.”

RELATED: Far-Left Squad Member Cori Bush Claims She Was ‘Shot At’ By ‘White Supremacists’ During Ferguson Protests

Cori Bush Spreads Michael Brown Hoax, Gets Fact-Checked

After spreading the Michael Brown hoax despite it being thoroughly debunked for years now, Bush got slapped with a Community Notes label on Twitter/X.

Community Notes is the closest thing the right has to actual fact-checking in media or Big Tech. Or, in other words, it’s the closest thing to reality to counter the left-wing fact-checkers that infect most legacy media.

“Brown robbed a convenience store, attacked Officer Wilson, reached into his patrol vehicle and struggled over the police firearm and was discharged, then charged the officer at gunpoint resisting arrest,” the note reads. “Investigations including Obama’s DOJ ruled race was not a factor.”

The note provides a link to a Justice Department report on the justified Michael Brown shooting.

Critics on Twitter/X also took the time to hammer Bush over her false claims.

“This only goes to show how the Left plays the long game,” wrote political commentator Matt Walsh. “The whole Michael Brown narrative has been definitively exposed as a hoax but they will keep repeating it year after year after year until we get tired of correcting it and the truth is forgotten by history.”

Republican political consultant Ryan Girdusky pointed out that lies regarding false claims of racism only further harm the black community.

“Michael Brown was a violent individual who assaulted a police officer. His death was justified,” tweeted Girdusky.

“Activists like Cori Bush who lie about the circumstances of his death created a national paranoia about policing. This led to thousands of excess deaths, mostly of young black men.”

Another social media user accused Bush of completely remaking the story “in order to rile passions and send people into the streets against … police.”

RELATED: Far-Left ‘Squad’ Member Cori Bush Explains Why Black Cops Killing Tyre Nichols is Actually White Supremacy

Another ‘Hoax’ About the Michael Brown Shooting

In fact, Cori Bush so thoroughly ‘remade the story’ surrounding Michael Brown’s justified shooting that she fabricated another aspect of the protests.

In 2021, the Democrat made a wild claim that ‘white supremacists’ opened fire and ‘shot at’ her during the protests in Ferguson, Missouri that followed Brown’s death.

“When we marched in Ferguson, white supremacists would hide behind a hill near where Michael Brown Jr. was murdered and shoot at us,” she tweeted. “They never faced consequences.”

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons they never faced consequences is because, according to Ferguson police chief Frank McCall Jr., it never happened.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that McCall “didn’t know that there was any record of such an incident” and “wasn’t aware of any incidents that the tweet might be referencing.”

In fact, the only shooting on record in Ferguson during the protests appears to have been a BLM protester who shot at police officers.

Underscoring the value of Twitter/X’s Community Notes feature, PolitiFact never rated Bush’s claim false, despite the police chief’s comments and despite receiving “no evidence from” the Congresswoman.

Why? Because a couple of other race-baiters claimed the shootings happened.

“Accounts differed about whether shootings happened as Bush said they did,” PolitiFact still has up on their website to this day. “So we’re not rating this claim.”

Former Ferguson police chief, Tom Jackson, told a talk show host that Bush’s claim is “a bald-faced lie.”

Which just about sums up her entire career.

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