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Info for you

AOC Claims ‘Zero Evidence’ To Impeach Biden: Here’s The Evidence

It is, as Elon Musk says, as if AOC is just not that smart. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the socialist Representative from New York, had herself a day at the Biden impeachment inquiry hearings yesterday. First, she questioned each of the three Republican witnesses as to whether they had “first-hand witness” testimony showing evidence of impeachable offenses […]

Whistleblower: We Weren’t ‘Allowed’ To Ask About The ‘Big Guy’ Joe Biden

Internal Revenue Service whistleblower Gary Shapley claims that he and other IRS agents were not allowed to ask questions about President Joe Biden – the “big guy” – during their investigation of his son, Hunter. Shapley’s allegations were initially provided in testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee last month. He fleshed out his […]