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Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL) went on a tirade behind closed doors, reportedly calling the eight Republicans who voted to oust former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) “traitors” several times.

In an even worse move, Rogers, who chairs the Armed Services Committee and is a high-ranking GOP member, pleaded with the Democrats to help select the next Speaker, even asking them to list their demands.

In no other party on the planet will you see somebody literally surrender to the other side – a side who is holding them hostage by being unwilling to compromise and simply vote in a bipartisan manner for a reasonable choice for Speaker – while suggesting their own people are the terrorists.

Forbes reports that Rogers asked Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) to tell Republicans “what concessions they’ll have to make for Democrats to help them elect a speaker.”

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Rogers Begs Democrats For Help, Wants List Of Their Demands

Perhaps Rogers should step down from the Armed Services Committee so that he can spend time heading up a Surrender Caucus.

Rogers went on to tell reporters, “We’re willing to work with them (Democrats), but they gotta tell us what they need.”

“To limit ourselves to just getting 217 out of our conference I think is not a wise path forward,” he added.

Rogers’ willingness to so quickly lock arms with Democrats in order to select a Speaker underscores three things.

First, the unwillingness of moderate Republicans to coalesce behind a true conservative in Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) just because their McCarthy-lite choice, Rep Steve Scalise (R-LA), can’t get the votes since he is essentially a carbon copy of the man that was just ousted.

Second – See how the Democrats never waiver and never compromise? Rogers’ comments and actions, by contrast, are yet another demonstration of just how willing RINOs are in capitulating to the opposition.

Third, Republicans still struggle to grow a spine. Surrendering to the Democrats during a difficult time is cowardice. It’s pathetic.

It’s clear that the GOP hates their own voters and their own political platform. Talk about your “traitors.”

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Not The First Time Rogers Has Surrendered Like A True McCarthyite

This isn’t the first time of late that Rogers has surrendered.

Back in May, Rogers voted in favor of the Biden-McCarthy debt ceiling agreement that gives President Joe Biden two years to continue wantonly borrowing money.

The debt ceiling agreement earned more votes from Democrats than Republicans. In fact, it was rescued by Democrats after 71 conservative Republicans voted against the legislation.

The Political Insider reported on the many ways in which the agreement failed to adhere to conservative principles – including failing to cut spending at an acceptable level, adding $4 trillion to the debt, and caving to the White House – and the reasons why Democrats were celebrating the deal more.

Biden was so pleased that he made a rare appearance from his Delaware beach home to give a prime-time address heralding the deal.

So who are the actual traitors here? And maybe it is garbage like that, a deal supported more by Democrats that McCarthy emerged and announced was “fabulous”, that brought us to where we are today, Mike.

Rogers had to apologize to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) during the fight for McCarthy’s nomination as Speaker back in January, after needing to be physically restrained when he charged toward his colleague.

“I regret that I briefly lost my temper on the House Floor Friday evening and appreciate Matt’s kind understanding,” Rogers said at the time.

Man, if only our elected Republican Representatives, who were voted into office specifically to stop Democrats from destroying the country, actually got that animated when it came to fighting their agenda.

Instead, they fight their own.

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