Info for you

Info for you

Former Congressman Adam Kinzinger Accuses Elon Musk of ‘Loving’ Iran

X CEO Elon Musk shared a meme about Iran and an irate Adam Kinzinger, the former Congressman from Illinois and a member of the Democrats’ January 6 Committee, accused him of “loving” the rogue nation, demanding that his military contractor credentials be revoked. Over the weekend, Musk posted a meme that showed Iran surrounded by […]

The ‘American Century’ is Over. Our Politicians Killed It.

For a little over a hundred years, the United States and its dearest friends across the pond have been the global beacons of light, acting as the final say on international issues. Keeping our fingers on the pulse of global economics, trade, treaties, international memberships, and power struggles in third-world nations, the United States has […]