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Info for you

China Buying American Farms Is So Dangerous Even Senator John Fetterman Gets It

In a rare act of brief lucidity, sweatshirt-wearing Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman broke down the emerging threat China poses within our borders. Senator Fetterman likely has no idea how food gets to his table, but he is at least “with-it” enough to know that China’s increased interest in gobbling up our agricultural real estate is […]

U.S. Taxes Subsidize Ukrainian Small Businesses as Americans Continue to Struggle

A recent 60 Minutes spot meant to highlight what the American tax dollars are paying for in Ukraine uncovered some details that were likely unknown to most citizens. We’ve all read, and I’ve extensively reported on, the copious amounts of dollars sent to Ukraine focused on military equipment and training. But what needed to be […]

Donald Trump is Right: General Milley Betrayed His Oath and His Country

Next week, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley will hang up his uniform and start his speaking engagements, board assignments, and drafting his probably already commissioned tell-all book. While most of the swamp is falling over themselves to shower General Milley with praise and all the usual fanfare afforded ineffectual Generals, […]

Mexico Puts Piece of Berlin Wall Near Border to Teach America a ‘Lesson’

During his 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden swore he would cease any more construction on the border wall; the common left-wing position being that any national sovereignty for America is racist and xenophobic.  And yet, President Biden has quietly constructed small parts of the border wall. In a rare moment for Uncle Joe, it appears he […]