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Republican Texas state Representative Bryan Slaton officially filed a bill earlier this week that would allow voters to cast a ballot on whether or not to secede from the United States.

The Texas Independence Referendum Act was filed as HB #3956 in the Texas House of Representatives on Monday. Slaton refers to the legislation as TEXIT.

“This act, if passed, will place a referendum on the ballot in the next general election that will give Texans the opportunity to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on Texas leaving the United States and becoming a sovereign nation,” a statement from Slaton’s office reads.

If the people of Texas vote ‘yes,’ a commission will be established to investigate the feasibility of Texas leaving the union and provide recommendations to the State Legislature.

RELATED: More Red-State Trump Voters Believe Their State Would Be ‘Better Off’ By Seceding From The U.S.

Texas to Vote on Whether to Secede From The United States

The bill is supported by the Texas National Movement (TNM), whose President, Daniel Miller, claims 66% of likely voters in Texas support the referendum coming up for a vote.

Slaton, who filed the bill on the 187th anniversary of the Alamo, said the TEXIT legislation would give Texans “an opportunity to make their voice heard about the future of Texas.”

“The people of Texas will look back on this day as a historic first step in taking back our autonomy and our right to self-determination from the federal government,” Miller said.

The TEXIT bill filed by Slaton comes just days after Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene raised eyebrows by calling for a “national divorce.”

“We need a national divorce,” Greene tweeted. “We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government. Everyone I talk to says this.”

The TNM has long advocated for Texas’ divorce from the United States, defining its mission as “to secure and protect the political, cultural, and economic independence of the nation of Texas and to restore and protect a constitutional Republic and the inherent rights of the people of Texas.”

RELATED: Polls Show Strong Support For Secession – Both Red And Blue States

Other Calls For Secession

The TEXIT bill is being introduced as other groups in the United States are calling to secede from blue states throughout the country.

Perhaps the most formidable effort comes via a campaign to have rural eastern Oregon secede from the blue state and join more conservative Idaho. The so-called ‘Greater Idaho’ movement seeks to incorporate numerous Oregon counties within Idaho’s borders.

There has also been a relatively quiet movement for New York City to be broken off from upstate New York for years, though that effort has stalled consistently.

Republican state Assemblyman Keith Brown though, recently called for Long Island to secede from NYC and become the 51st state.

A poll published this past summer indicates more Trump voters from red states believe they’d be ‘better off’ personally if their state seceded than those who think they’d be ‘worse off.’

A Yahoo News report at the time stated “red-state Donald Trump voters are now more likely to say they’d be personally ‘better off’ (33%) than ‘worse off’ (29%) if their state seceded from the U.S. and ‘became an independent country.’”

But, along the lines of Greene’s “national divorce” comments, the desire to secede isn’t exclusively a red-state issue according to Bloomberg News.

The late conservative radio icon, Rush Limbaugh, just two months before his death, warned that America appeared to be heading down a path where secession would become more popular.

“I see more and more people asking what in the world do we have in common with the people who live in, say, New York?” he explained.

Will the TEXIT bill allow Texas voters to ask what they have in common with the rest of the United States?

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