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Josh Alexander, a Canadian high school student, was reportedly arrested last month while attempting to attend class following a suspension for protesting against biological males using girls’ bathrooms and saying there are only two genders.

Alexander, a student at St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario, told the Epoch Times he was barred from attending class for the remainder of the year because his presence would be “detrimental to the physical and mental well-being” of transgender students.

He was first suspended in November according to the outlet.

Alexander “had organized a protest against transgender students using the girls’ washrooms,” they wrote, and “had also said in class discussions that there are only two, immutable genders.”

He tweeted about his arrest saying he was “being excluded” from his school “for indicating my intent to adhere to my religious beliefs.”

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Alexander claims that he was arrested and charged for holding Christian beliefs at a Christian school, but admitted there were a series of events that culminated in the extreme action taken by the school.

“Female students complained to me that they were concerned because males were using their washrooms. This turned into a debate at the school. I stated my opinion on it, and I used Scripture to back it up,” Alexander told Carlson.

“They removed me from the building for the remainder of the year and, when I attempted to attend class, I was arrested and charged,” he continued.

Alexander’s legal counsel, James Kitchen, suggested his client would argue religious discrimination on the part of the school before the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

But, he warned, it would be a difficult fight.

“There seems to be, culturally and legally, much less respect for individual rights and freedoms and much more interest in government having the power to do what it wants,” Kitchen said.

Alexander used Bible quotes in his argument against biological males using female bathrooms.

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Tucker Carlson: What is Happening in Canada?

Fox News host Tucker Carlson spoke with Josh Alexander and his attorney and openly wondered, “What is happening in Canada?”

“How could a nice country become so totalitarian so quickly?” Carlson asked. “Are there lessons for us?”

“He was barred from school – from the grounds – for saying that God created two genders,” he added. “Because that’s kind of a Christian precept, also common sense.”

Carlson excoriated Christian leaders for remaining silent over other arrests they would seem to have a vested interest in – including a Canadian pastor recently apprehended for protesting a drag queen story event targeting children.

“On some level, all governments hate religious people, because it’s competition. And revolutionary governments, totalitarian governments, go after religious people first,” Carlson said.

“Where is David French, Beth Moore, Tim Keller, and all these people who are defending Christianity as actual Christians are being arrested for being Christians?” he pressed after the pastor’s arrest. “Not a word.”

On Alexander’s arrest, Carlson expressed outrage at the police officers who made the arrest.

“The police officers who arrested you, a high school student, for quoting the Bible in a Christian school must have been ashamed of themselves, I hope,” he said.

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