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The Washington Post got ratioed into infinity and beyond after running a puff piece on President Joe Biden’s visit to a school in Washington, D.C. along with a quote comparing him to the Beatles.

Now, it should be noted that the Post did not make the comparison themselves. It shows up in the opening paragraph as a quote from a staffer at Eliot-Hine Middle School.

But that opening paragraph is a doozy, with the newspaper desperately trying to convey some sort of narrative that Biden gives off rock star vibes with the kids.

In fact, they were so intent on fueling that ridiculous angle that they included the first paragraph verbatim in a post on X.

Just look at this piece of propagandist art:

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Biden Is Just Like the Beatles 🙄

My goodness, we’re just glad reporter Lauren Lumpkin was able to wipe the drool off of her keyboard long enough to hit the send key on that piece.

There wouldn’t have been more fawning in two sentences over President Biden if Jill Biden herself had been pecking away at the keyboard after drawing a warm candlelit bath while Barry White was crooning in the background.

Just, off-the-charts propaganda.

Further down in the piece, Lumpkin writes about how the President sniffed “hugged one excited child” and how another “proclaimed loudly, ‘Joe Biden!’”

Perhaps that wasn’t a child so much as it was an aide reminding the President what his name was.

By way of comparison, here is a Washington Post article on former President Donald Trump’s first visit to a school which they ran as an “analysis.”

Rather than comparing Trump to the Beatles, the Post derided the visit as “unusual,” attempted to explain to readers “what it really means,” and even complained that the room was too “chilly.”

President Biden is closer to Yoko Ono than The Beatles, coming along and destroying everything Trump had created during his time in the White House.

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The Post Gets Lit Up

Needless to say, critics had an absolute field day with the Washington Post piece comparing President Biden to the Beatles.

While it’s customary to save the best for last, we’re going to dive in head-first with an absolute masterpiece from State Freedom Caucus communications director Greg Price.

“‘Just like the Beatles’ as in half dead?” Price wrote on X.

“State media’s trying WAY too hard here,” political writer Doug Powers chimed in. “Pravda would advise them to take it down a notch.”

We don’t think even Pravda would be this blatant.

New York Post reporter Mollie Hemingway, who has covered corruption in the Biden family extensively, quipped: “Propaganda press, now with more propaganda!”

What’s more than infinity though?

Biden, according to the Washington Post, told students at the Eliot-Hine Middle School what he personally found to be very hard for him as a student.

“The hardest thing is to come back after three months of not doing any work,” he said.

Apparently, that has carried into adulthood for the President, who found it difficult to even muster up a comment about the tragedy in Maui in between vacations.

Tucked away deep in the Washington Post article is the reason the Bidens chose to visit the Eliot-Hine Middle School – their scores.

You see, nearly 34% of the student body at Eliot-Hine is meeting or exceeding expectations in reading. In math, it’s 16%.


Apparently in DC, 34% of students reading at grade level and 16% grasping math at grade level is considered a success.

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The post Washington Post Mocked Relentlessly After Puff Piece Comparing Biden to the Beatles: ‘Because They’re Both Half Dead?’ appeared first on The Political Insider.