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Republican presidential candidate and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis left several viewers baffled after suggesting the Trump administration “colluded” with Big Tech to bury the Hunter Biden laptop story, ostensibly causing him to lose the 2020 presidential election.

DeSantis’ comments came during an interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo.

“I look back at the Hunter Biden censorship, which was a huge, huge deal to happen in the 2020 election, and yet those were Donald Trump’s own agencies that were colluding with Big Tech,” the Florida Governor contends. “I would never allow that to happen. I would fire those people immediately.”

The comments are nuanced and allow for interpretation. While he’s not saying Trump personally colluded, he’s saying the people he hired did.

Worse, DeSantis is also claiming that Trump should have fired those people, suggesting the former President should have known at the time what nobody else knew (though they suspected) – that intelligence agencies were actively colluding to interfere in the election.

RELATED: Election Interference: Ex-CIA Official Testifies That Biden Campaign Was Behind Letter From Intel Officials Claiming Hunter’s Laptop Was Russian Disinformation

DeSantis Suggests Trump Colluded With Big Tech To Censor Hunter Biden Story

It would be nice for these two gentleman to get on the same page. To recognize that the biggest threat to the survival of this nation is another four years of President Biden or whatever communists are behind the scenes pulling his puppet strings.

Democrats are the enemy of the people. Not Trump. Nor DeSantis. Democrats.

That said, if you’re going to try and get your polling numbers up against a juggernaut like Trump, it might be best to actually appeal to his supporters in some manner.

Not make a buffoonish mistake by suggesting Trump was too incompetent to see his own people were tanking his election chances.

And social media users let DeSantis know it.

“Worst collusion in the history of collusion,” quipped Human Rights Senior Editor Jack Posobiec.

The collusion, while suspected, “wasn’t discovered while Trump was President,” another viewer wrote.

“Has DeSantis lost it?” one person asked.

Australian human rights activist Drew Pavlou sarcastically added: “So DeSantis claims Trump colluded with Biden to rig the election against himself. Got it. Makes sense.”

RELATED: Former CIA Director John Brennan Admits the Hunter Biden ‘Russian Disinformation’ Letter Was ‘All Political’

Will DeSantis Drain the Swamp?

It’s not exactly a big secret that Trump was – and I’m sure even he’d admit to having some regrets about this – unable to drain the swamp of people who colluded against him for years.

James Comey, Mark Milley, and Christopher Wray, are all names that come to mind.

But perhaps the way to convey the message is for DeSantis to sympathize with Trump against those who were actively and treasonously working against him. Put the focus on those anti-American people instead.

Trump didn’t respond directly to DeSantis’ comments, but posted polls showing the Florida Governor struggling very badly in second place on his Truth Social media platform.


In fleshing out his comments, DeSantis has reportedly been planning for months on how he is going to address the so-called “deep state” if he is the Republican nominee.

“The governor has privately told advisors that he will hire and fire plenty of federal personnel, reorganize entire agencies, and execute a ‘disciplined’ and ‘relentless’ strategy to restore the Justice Department to a mission more in line with what the ‘Founding Fathers envisioned,’” Real Clear Politics reported.

They outlet adds that DeSantis boasts that, “We’re going to break up these agencies.”

The Political Insider reported that DeSantis vowed to abolish four federal agencies if he’s elected. The Justice Department was not one of them.

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The post Yikes: DeSantis Dragged After Claiming Trump Admin ‘Colluded’ With Big Tech to Bury Hunter Biden Laptop Story appeared first on The Political Insider.