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Info for you

In case you needed any more proof that the NAACP need never be taken seriously as an organization, here you have it.

The group issued an ‘advisory’ over the weekend cautioning black Americans against traveling to the state of Florida, stating that it is “openly hostile” to black people.

“Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals,” the formal advisory states on the NAACP’s website.

“Before traveling to Florida, please understand that the state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of, and the challenges faced by African Americans and other communities of color.”

A statement on their website announcing the advisory warns the Sunshine State “has engaged in an all-out attack on Black Americans” while “simultaneously embracing a culture of fear, bullying, and intimidation by public officials.”

The NAACP has not issued a travel advisory for places like Chicago where young black men are consistently killing other young black men and, as Jussie Smollet once warned, is ‘MAGA Country.’

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NAACP Issues Florida Travel Advisory

Chair of the NAACP Board of Directors, Leon Russell, also made a statement on the travel advisory.

“Once again, hate-inspired state leaders have chosen to put politics over people. Governor Ron DeSantis and the state of Florida have engaged in a blatant war against principles of diversity and inclusion and rejected our shared identities to appeal to a dangerous, extremist minority,” Russell bemoaned.

“We will not allow our rights and history to be held hostage for political grandstanding.”

Which is especially rich considering he currently lives in Tampa. You know, Tampa, Florida.

Christian Ziegler, the chair of the Republican Party of Florida, noticed the hypocrisy and issued a challenge to Russell. Move, and we’ll help pay the moving costs.

“True leadership is being willing to do what you ask others to do … time to step up and MOVE,” Ziegler said. “If you think our state is so bad, the @FloridaGOP will help with moving costs.”

RELATED: NAACP Hit With Backlash For 9/11 Tweet Calling It A ‘Horrific Incident That Occurred In 2001’

DeSantis Mocks NAACP Stunt

Florida Governor Rob DeSantis mocked the NAACP over the ‘travel advisory’ stunt when they were first considering it back in March.

“This is a stunt to try to do that,” DeSantis said at a press conference at the time. “It’s a pure stunt. And fine, if you want to waste your time on a stunt, that’s fine.”

“But I’m not wasting my time on your stunts,” he added. “I’m going to make sure that we’re getting things done here.”

The Brookings Institution indicates that Florida ranked number six in the country as a top destination for black people to migrate in recent years.

“Among all Black interstate migrants in 2015-2020, southern states were the six most popular destinations (Georgia, Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland),” they write.

Ziegler pointed out how Florida has been warmly welcoming to blacks and indicated Russell should make the move to give those who are appreciative an opportunity to live in Tampa.

“There are thousands of Black Americans [and] thousands (of) people of color who love freedom [and would] happily move into Leon’s house in Florida,” he quipped. “He should put it up for sale.”

DeSantis earlier this year rejected an Advanced Placement (AP) course on African American Studies that he believed was interjecting a political agenda into the curriculum.

Florida, under his leadership, banned the teaching of CRT through the Stop WOKE Act, an effort that prohibits teaching concepts to students or employees that suggest one race is more important than another, or that one race is inherently racist.

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