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President Biden’s consistent misleading claims on the number of jobs he’s “created” during his time in office finally caught up to him, earning a fact-checking ‘Community Note’ on Twitter.

The official Twitter feed of the White House shared press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s post in which she attempted to describe “Bidenomics.”

“For all of you wondering ‘What is Bidenomics?’” she wrote. “13.2 million jobs created.”

“Unemployment has remained below 4% for the longest stretch since the 1960s. Inflation cut in half. Almost 800k manufacturing jobs created,” she continued. “There’s your answer.”

The White House account retweeted Jean-Pierre and added, “It’s that easy.”

Except, it isn’t.

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Biden Hasn’t Created 13 Million Jobs

The Political Insider has consistently reminded readers that the ‘jobs created’ swirl that is coming from the Biden administration is a pathetic spin on reality.

To be clear, jobs have been created during Biden’s time in office, but not nearly at the level or rate his people are suggesting. A vast majority of what they’re counting are job replacements following losses during the pandemic.

Community Notes followed that lead and slapped the jobs tweet with a reality check, stating, “It is misleading to count people returning to work, after the pandemic, as new jobs.”

Of course, everybody knows that, but this White House thinks you’re too stupid to understand basic numbers.

Becker News CEO and former producer at Fox News, Kyle Becker, had a bit of a laugh at the Democrat President finally being held accountable on at least one social media platform.

“Twitter has become the place where state propaganda goes to die,” he quipped.

The Community Notes fact-check pointed readers to a House Budget Committee report that explains: “Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation.”

Furthermore, that report points out that Biden’s numbers are in all actuality a poor performance when compared to former President Donald Trump at the same point in his presidency.

“In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million,” the report states. “On the other hand, prior to the pandemic, job creation under President Trump was 6.7 million — 3 million more jobs than the current President.”

The spin is so blatant – they want you to forget that a pandemic and Democrat lockdowns wiped out jobs during the Trump presidency and ignore the fact that Biden is simply restocking the shelves when it comes to jobs ‘created.’

It’d also be interesting to explore how many of these jobs are people working a second or third effort to help navigate their families through the inflation spike that hounded Americans for a vast majority of the past year, to simply afford outrageous gas and grocery prices.

The funny thing is, Biden got dinged for posting a “misleading claim” a day earlier when he posted a chart purportedly showing the number of “jobs created” under various administrations.

The chart shows the President with such a ridiculously skewed number that simply looking at the chart should startle the average person into saying, ‘Yea, that doesn’t make any sense.’

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More Biden Lies Called Out

Biden didn’t just get fact-checked over the obvious “jobs created” lie, but his inflation claims were also hit with the Community Notes treatment.

“Inflation is half from its (2022) peak, but is nearly 3x the rate when Biden took office,” the note reads.

According to the same Budget Committee report, prices are up 15.3 percent under this administration while inflation remains over three times higher than just a couple of years ago.

It’s like a store raising the cost of a product by 60% and then offering customers a ‘sale’ of 20% … then celebrating and flaunting what they’ve done to your face.

There is reality, and then there’s whatever world the Biden administration is living in. And they aren’t in sync.

It should come as no surprise. This is the same mindset that during the Obama-Biden years tried to inflate job numbers following the stimulus bill by creating a completely fake term known as “lives touched.”

We’re not even kidding.

Making Biden’s jobs “created” tale even more tragic is the fact that much of the recovery from the global pandemic is being fueled by Republican-led states. Eight of the top 10 states for jobs recovered since the coronavirus pandemic began are led by Republican governors.

The administration needs to stop lying about these numbers. The media needs to stop begging for a treat from their master by dutifully failing to report on that lie.

They won’t. But we’ll be here to keep holding them accountable. And now, so will Elon Musk and his Community Notes.

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