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The radically liberal Hollywood star Barbra Streisand has vowed to leave the United States if Donald Trump is reelected in 2024, saying that she “can’t live” here if he is president again. This comes one month after Streisand’s fellow singer Cher made the same promise, and only time will tell if they follow through!

Streisand ‘Can’t Live In This Country’ If Trump Is Reelected

Streisand, 81, made this pledge during an interview with the leftwing late night host Stephen Colbert.

“I will move. I can’t live in this country if he became president,” she said when asked about the potential of a second Trump presidency.

As for where she will go if Trump wins, Streisand said, “Probably to England. I like England.”

After admitting that the political climate in the U.S. is “bad,” Streisand heaped praise on President Joe Biden.

“Well, I like Biden. I think he’s done a good job,” she said. “I think he’s compassionate. He’s smart. He supports the right things.”

Check out this full interview in the video below.

Streisand Attacks Trump – Praises Clintons 

Streisand is currently promoting her massive over one thousand-page memoir “My Name Is Barbra,” which she used to shamelessly bash Trump, who she described as “completely unfit to be president.” Streisand also wrote that Trump “lies as easily as he breathes,” according to The Hill.

“I can’t stand being lied to, and I don’t think the country should be lied to either,” Streisand wrote. “And I just couldn’t comprehend how he could tell all these lies with absolutely no guilt (clearly he’s not Jewish.)”

Streisand went on to say that she was shocked by Trump’s presidential win in 2016.

“You wouldn’t go to a doctor who has no qualifications or experience in treating your disease. Why on earth would people want to entrust our country to a narcissist whose lack of experience, recklessness, and blatant disregard for the truth made him completely unfit to be president?” she whined. “What worried me was that the younger generation would emulate this man, who showed no kindness or empathy for other human beings.”

It’s rich for Streisand to call anyone a “narcissist” right now, given the fact that her new memoir is over one thousand pages long and a 48-hour audio book.

Streisand has spent years obsessively attacking Trump like the shameless liberal that she is.

“That was four years in a black hole. Unforgivable,” she previously said of his presidency, according to People Magazine. “Four years of people dying unnecessarily because they didn’t tell the truth. The truth is so important. Tell people the truth, they can deal with it.”

Streisand additionally used her memoir to gush over Bill Clinton, saying that she was “blown away” when she first heard him speak back in 1992 and adding that he was “smart and charismatic.”

“They were the most appealing couple,” she wrote of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Related: Barbra Streisand Tries to Impress the Clintons at Her Concert by Mocking Trump

Cher Vows To Leave U.S. If Trump Wins In 2024

This comes one month after Streisand’s fellow singer Cher vowed to leave the U.S. if Trump is reelected.

“I almost got an ulcer the last time [Trump was elected],” Cher, 77, told The Guardian. “If he gets in, who knows? This time I will leave [the country].”

Back in 2015, Cher claimed that she would move to the planet Jupiter if Trump became president, but she unfortunately did not follow through with that.

“IF HE WERE TO BE ELECTED, I’M MOVING TO JUPITER,” she tweeted at the time, according to Fox News.

Full Story: Cher Pledges To Move Out Of U.S. If Trump Is Re-elected – ‘This Time I Will Leave’

Should Trump win reelection next year, we can only hope that the likes of Streisand and Cher do end up leaving the country, because we are all better off without them!

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