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Info for you

A funny – or alarming – video clip appears to show an individual guiding President Biden through the motions at a recent stop in North Carolina, while another shows him getting temporarily lost after the fact.

Biden on Tuesday visited Durham to tour Wolfspeed, a North Carolina semiconductor firm expanding its operations due to increased demand in its chips.

It is part of the President’s effort to highlight successes stemming from the Chips and Science Act.

Distracting from his visit though, was a video posted online showing Biden guided intimately through the process of setting up for a photo-op.

“Yes, sir, down the ramp … your mark is gonna be the blue one to the left. You got a blue mark,” a guide can be heard telling the octogenarian.

“I’ll stay in my blue mark,” Biden replies.

RELATED: Cameras Capture Biden’s Cheat Sheet Showing Hilarious Instructions: ‘YOU Take YOUR Seat’

Biden Handler Guides Him, He Gets Lost Anyway

Look, it’s not unheard of for a President to have an aide, handler, or guide show them where to go and what to do at a location they’ve never been before, as what appears to be happening here with Biden.

But that didn’t stop some pundits from commenting on the odd video.

Journalist Benny Johnson called the clip “shocking” and suggested Biden’s “handlers program his every move.”

Hilarious, if it weren’t so sad really.

The icing on the cake, however, was another clip from the same event in which President Biden appears to forget which way he is going upon exiting, leaving him temporarily looking around with that trademark befuddled face.

He got a walkthrough prior and still managed to get lost during the walk-off? Something we’ve all seen on video countless times in the past?

RELATED: Now We Finally Know Why Biden Is Using A Fake White House Stage

Remember His Cheat Sheet?

The video of Biden walking around with his handler called to mind an incident from last year in which he was caught with a cheat sheet provided by aides giving him some hilariously simple directions.

The card Biden held up had an initial reminder to “say hello to participants” upon entering the room.

Because remembering to say ‘hello’ – now that’s a tough one.

From there the instruction guide got so much better:

  • “YOU take YOUR seat.”
  • “YOU give brief comments (2 minutes).”
  • “YOU thank participants.”
  • “YOU depart.”

Based on the video above, that whole ‘YOU depart’ thing is still giving Biden some trouble. Hopefully, he’ll be departing the White House altogether after the 2024 election.

Is Joe Biden Mentally Fit to be President?

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At the same event in North Carolina, the President made several false claims – including telling those in attendance that apprentice electricians go unpaid and that it’s illegal to own a flamethrower in the United States.

“You’re not allowed to own a machine gun,” he said, commenting on the recent transgender terrorist attack on an elementary school in Nashville.

“You’re not allowed to own a flamethrower,” he added, completely pulling that comment out of his backside.

Here’s video of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem using a flamethrower she got for Christmas.

It’s too bad Biden didn’t have one of his handlers review his speech before making these false claims. But then, he probably would have gotten lost anyway.

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