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Representative Scott Perry (R-CA) got into a heated exchange with a reporter who suggested that Americans haven’t seen any evidence to support an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

And yes, if you ignore the volumes of evidence showing a corrupt money-making family business beholden to foreign entities, shell bank accounts with at least $20 million from foreign sources, and congressional testimony linking the President to his son’s business associates on 16 occasions between 2010 and 2018, then maybe there is “no evidence.”

But for those operating in the real world, the proof is ample, even if the media does not want to believe it.

And Perry called out the media in a big, big way.

During a press conference on the steps outside the Capitol Tuesday, a reporter asked him, “What actual evidence do you have as opposed to allegations to show to the American people that would merit an actual impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden and prove that today isn’t just about –”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Perry interjected sarcastically.

The reporter finished her query: “- for the sake of enacting political revenge for the impeachment of Donald Trump.”

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Perry Argues That There IS Evidence To Support Biden’s Impeachment

Representative Perry offered just a scintilla of the evidence already documented in support of Biden’s impeachment in his response.

“This isn’t about political revenge. We have the bank accounts. We can see – ma’am – you can see that the homes that the Bidens own can’t be afforded on a congressional or a Senate salary,” he fired back.

“You also understand that it’s not normal for family members to receive millions of dollars from overseas interests. Those things aren’t normal. That’s not normal to have 20 shell companies,” continued Perry. “These things are not normal, and it alludes to not only just widespread corruption, but money laundering, if not influence-peddling itself.”

The congressman also pointed to the damning video showing President Biden admitting to getting a prosecutor in Ukraine fired for looking into a gas company connected with his son, Hunter.

“And we also have the vice president at the time on record saying that the prosecutor was fired. Well, son of a b****, the prosecutor was fired,” Perry stated. “Because the prosecutor was going after the company that his son was working on.”

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‘You Don’t Report On It!’

Perhaps the most important aspect of Perry’s denouncement of the reporter’s line of questioning was his calling her out very publicly. Not just her, but the entire journalism profession.

“That’s what we have,” Perry said after listing a fraction of the evidence. “If you can’t see that. If you are that blind – I’ll turn it over to the attorneys.”

He motioned for others to take to the podium.

The reporter then chimed in one last time saying, “The American people can’t see that. They think it’s political revenge.”

“Because you don’t report on it!” an exasperated Perry shot back.

It’s about time somebody called out the corrupt media who have been working overtime to protect President Biden.

If you were to put CNN, MSNBC, or any outlet outside of NewsMax and Fox News on right now, you wouldn’t see an ounce of coverage involving the evidence the House Oversight Committee has presented over the last few months.

The corrupt are protecting the corrupt. And it’s been going on since the 2020 election in particular, as they actively shield the single most compromised person to ever reside in the White House.

A study conducted by the Media Research Center in November of 2020 proved biased media coverage handed the election to Biden.

It showed that a very significant 17% of Biden voters would have abandoned the candidate if their knowledge of the issues had been different – issues which included Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations against and the Hunter Biden scandal.

And they weren’t done working for Biden at that point.

In February of 2021, an explosive Time magazine investigative piece titled, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” was published.

The story focused on a scenario involving “a well-funded cabal of powerful people” who worked in concert to change election laws and control the dissemination of information before and after the election.

“They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it,” Time magazine reported, referencing those who were “working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions (and) … steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

Collusion between Democrats and the media continues apace.

A Politico journalist recently revealed that the Biden administration has issued a memo that includes talking points that the media are to use in countering Republicans pursuing impeachment of the President.

It’s worse than refusing to report on it. The media will no doubt become an echo chamber for the President, armed with their White House talking points going forward.

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The post GOP Rep Obliterates Reporter Claiming No Evidence To Support Biden Impeachment – Americans Don’t See It Because ‘You Don’t Report On It’ appeared first on The Political Insider.