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Info for you

Donald Trump’s campaign released a powerful ad recently which lays out precisely what is at stake in the 2024 presidential election.

The video features a stoic and determined Trump walking down a hallway in black and white. The tone is somewhat grim, but features the former President issuing a battle cry that will send shivers down the backs of his supporters.

“This is the final battle,” Trump declares. “With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country.”

The narrated words are pulled from speech excerpts that Trump has given at many campaign stops and appearances. He recently made the remarks at a campaign event in North Carolina this past June.

RELATED: Trump Reveals Plan to Drain the Swamp: Require All Government Employees Pass Civil Service Test to Prove Understanding of the Constitution

Trump Reveals What Is At Stake In 2024 Election

In the same campaign speech, Trump prefaces his comments by noting the radical left in this country under the Joe Biden administration is ushering in a “failed nation”

He also points out how they are trying to interfere in elections through a politically obedient Justice Department.

“Now these radical left lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement. It’s totally corrupt and we can’t let it happen,” he said.

The ad proceeds to show Trump listing off “villains” in America that must be stopped.

“We will roll out the fake news media, we will expose the RINOs for what they are, we will defeat Joe Biden and we will liberate America from these villains once and for all,” stated Trump.

“We’re going to liberate our country,” he continued. “The silent majority is rising, and under our leadership, the forgotten man or woman will never be forgotten again.”

God freaking bless, America!

We added that part. ☝

Watch: Trump Announces Details for His Plan to ‘Shatter the Deep State’ and Drain the Swamp

Can He Fulfill These Promises?

There’s no question that what Trump says in the 2024 election campaign ad is true, as this is most likely the last opportunity to save this nation.

In 2020, the media, intelligence community, and Big Tech all conspired to steal an election. In 2024, a weaponized federal government and a DOJ serving as an arm of the Biden campaign are trying to do it again.

If an administration is allowed to jail its top political opponent, there is no going back. We will have become a dictatorship that we all read about and despised in our high school history books.

Beyond victory, however, Trump must follow through on these campaign promises. There is no mistaking the fact that he failed to destroy the deep state or drain the swamp during his first term. He mustn’t take them so lightly this go around.

The Democrats, the media, and the RINOs are all one – the enemy of the American people – and must be ousted.

Trump has laid out his campaign platform on how to deal with the so-called “deep state,” should he win back the White House in 2024.

In April, he announced a new aspect of his plan to drain the swamp and take on the entrenched federal bureaucracy: requiring all federal employees to pass a Civil Service test to prove their understanding of the United States Constitution.

That’s a hell of a start. But it certainly isn’t enough.

Trump’s plan includes “firing rogue bureaucrats and career politicians” and “targeting government corruption.”

“This plan will also end the ongoing weaponization of the justice system that targets its political enemies simply because of their political or religious beliefs,” he conveyed.


Trump’s plan states that on “day one,” he will re-issue a 2020 executive order “restoring the president’s authority to fire rogue bureaucrats.”

The top GOP candidate also claims he will “overhaul federal departments and agencies” by “firing all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus.”

It’s going to be a lot of hard work. Hopefully, many people will be motivated by this powerful new campaign ad and help join the fight to save America.

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The post Incredible Trump Ad Lays Out The Stakes In 2024’s ‘Final Battle’: We Will Free America From These Villains Once And For All appeared first on The Political Insider.