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Info for you

Members of the powerful House Oversight Committee are claiming that the FBI is concerned that an informant involved in the unmasking of an alleged “bribery scheme” concerning the President of the United States could be “killed” if they are revealed.

“Just left meeting for House Oversight. The [FBI] is afraid their informant will be killed if unmasked, based on the info he has brought forward about the Biden family,” Representative Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) tweeted following a meeting on Monday.

It’s unclear where the perceived threat would be coming from.

The informant has claimed the FBI has a file describing a “criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.”

Oversight Chair James Comer (R-KY) subpoenaed FBI Director Christopher Wray for the document, to which the latter conceded to allow a viewing by ranking committee members. Comer, not satisfied and demanding the document be turned over, is proceeding with holding Wray in contempt of Congress.

Comer has insisted Wray “confirmed the existence of the FD-1023 form alleging then-Vice President Biden engaged in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national” to the tune of $5 million.

RELATED: FBI Director Wray Blinks: Will Allow GOP to Look at Document Alleged to Show Biden ‘Criminal Scheme’

Biden Informant Fears For His Life

Luna wasn’t the only member of the House Oversight Committee to draw the conclusion that the FBI is very concerned about the informant being killed, should they be revealed as the source for uncovering the President Biden bribery scheme.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) told Daily Mail that the whistleblower is now afraid “someone could kill them if someone found out who they are” for revealing alleged criminal behavior by Biden.

The informant now “fears for their own life because of our government,” Greene alleged.

Greene, however, states that the FBI’s concerns and insistence on keeping the document from the Committee’s hands are seemingly unwarranted since the names of those involved with the unmasking have been redacted.

“And their excuse, which we find to be completely false, is the FBI is claiming it is to protect their informants, even though the names are redacted,” she said.

Greene also, to nobody’s surprise, alleges the Biden bribery scheme involves the nation of Ukraine.

RELATED: Comer to Hold FBI Director Wray in Contempt for Not Producing Hunter Biden Documents

Highly Credible Source

Astoundingly, the informant involved in unmasking the alleged criminal scheme by President Biden has been a confidential human source for the FBI over many years involving many cases.

Fox News reported that the informant is “highly credible” and has been used by the FBI “in multiple investigative matters dating back to the Obama administration.”

If they were credible when Biden was last in office, it stands to reason that they are credible during his current stint in the White House.

Comer and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had both described the whistleblower as “credible,” though he has apparently gone off the grid with the New York Post describing him as “alive” but “living as a fugitive in an undisclosed location.”

He reportedly views himself as the “victim of a political persecution by the US to protect Joe Biden and his son Hunter, and brother Jim.”

That report seems to go along with the FBI’s claims that the informant fears for their life.

Contempt of Congress hearings for Wray will be initiated on Thursday, according to Comer.

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