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The former Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently grilled Republican presidential candidates at a forum in Iowa, calling out unending support for Ukraine to several individuals while also getting into heated exchanges over child transgender transitions and COVID vaccinations.

The most notable of the tense exchanges came between Carlson and the former Vice President Mike Pence.

In this back and forth, which quickly went viral, Carlson pointed out the many ills plaguing the United States and wondered why the focus was on a war in Ukraine.

“Every city in the United States has become much worse over the past three years. Drive around. There’s not one city that’s gotten better in the United States, and it’s visible,” Carlson said during the Family Leadership Summit.

“Our economy has degraded, the suicide rate has jumped, public filth and disorder and crime have exponentially increased, and yet, your concern is that the Ukrainians – a country most people can’t find out a map – who’ve received tens of billions of US tax dollars don’t have enough tanks,” he continued. “I think it’s a fair question to ask, like, where’s the concern for the United States in that?”

“It’s not my concern,” Pence replied. “Tucker, I’ve heard that routine from you before, but that’s not my concern.”

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Carlson And Pence Spar Over Ukraine

Pence claimed the video was taken out of context and that when suggesting it wasn’t his “concern,” he was actually referencing the tanks in Ukraine.

The Associated Press reported earlier this month, however, that “now is exactly the time to provide tanks and other equipment” to Ukraine.

So it seems like that is somewhat of a concern despite his protestations.

As to the clip’s insinuation that Pence is more concerned about Ukraine than America, he provided an extended version of his comments and called the controversy “fake news.”

In the alternate video, Pence says the United States can focus on both situations – domestic problems and the war overseas.

“As president of the United States, we will secure our border, we will support our military, we will revive our economy and stand by our values. And we will also lead the world for freedom under my administration,” he declared. “I promise you.”

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More Candidates Squirm When Carlson Questions Them

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) was also grilled by Carlson over his plan to support the Ukraine war effort rather than pursue peace – something the former President Donald Trump has called for consistently.

“You could tell Ukraine, a client state of the United States, without American backing there is no Ukraine. We’re literally paying the salaries of their bureaucrats,” Carlson told Scott. “And reach a peace as one does, concede some of their interests. Why wouldn’t it be in our interest to do that?”

While Scott did concede “the faster we get to peace, the better off we are,” he still dodged when asked for a “specific goal” that needs to be met in Ukraine.

Carlson pushed hard against former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson regarding hormone therapies for children seeking to transition their gender.

It was so brutal, Hutchinson at one point begged Carlson to change the subject.

“This is one of the biggest issues in the country, and I think every person in this room would agree that it is a central issue, because these are children who are being altered permanently,” Carlson shot back.

In another viral exchange, Carlson hammered Hutchinson about COVID vaccine mandates, which he claims injured “an awful lot of people.”

When challenged on the topic, Hutchinson thought he had the host cornered and quipped, “How many Covid shots did you take?”

“Zero,” Carlson fired back instantaneously, drawing a loud ovation from the crowd.

Speaking later at a Turning Point Action Conference, Carlson bragged about his ability to manhandle Pence during the forum.

“If I can make some general observations which I think are more edifying than just like, savaging Mike Pence, which I’m not gonna do. Because that would be wrong because it’s too easy,” he quipped.

“And the easy things are not rewarding, are they?” Carlson continued. “You don’t feel good when you beat your 5-year-old in soccer or ping-pong.”

We applaud Carlson for taking these America Last Republican presidential candidates to task in such a brutally epic way!

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