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Info for you

Fox News host Tucker Carlson demanded “professional Christians” stand up and defend a Canadian pastor recently arrested for protesting a drag queen story event targeting children.

The incident took place on February 25th at the Calgary Public Library where Derek Reimer of Mission7 was accused of joining several others in interrupting the drag event by shouting “homophobic and transphobic slurs at children and parents in attendance.”

The pastor was the lone individual facing charges including one count of causing a disturbance, one count of mischief, and six counts of harassment under the city’s Public Behaviour bylaw.

Each count, according to the city, carries a penalty of $10,000 and, if the fines are not paid, six months in prison.

Video posted on social media shows the minister being shoved to the ground by some attendees of the grooming event as he proclaims, “Jesus Christ is Lord.”

RELATED: Pastor Who Went Viral For Kicking COVID Police Out Of His Church Arrested For Holding ‘Illegal’ Service

Canadian Pastor Arrested For Protesting All-Ages Drag Queen Event

Tucker Carlson shredded Canada for turning into “atheist totalitarianism” during a segment last week and called out “professional Christians” who have thus far remained silent on the pastor’s arrest.

“On some level, all governments hate religious people, because it’s competition. And revolutionary governments, totalitarian governments, go after religious people first,” he accused.

“That is the measure of a free country in the end: are you allowed to believe that there’s an authority higher than the people in charge of your government?”

“In Canada, it’s now a crime to object to sexualized drag shows for children,” Carlson alleged.

That’s when the Fox News host started naming names.

“Where is David French, Beth Moore, Tim Keller, and all these people who are defending Christianity as actual Christians are being arrested for being Christians?” he demanded. “Not a word.”

RELATED: Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Set to Ban Drag Shows for Children in Arkansas

Same For Pastors Opposing COVID Lockdowns

It bears noting that this isn’t the first time Canadian authorities have targeted religious figures by cracking down on protests.

Artur Pawlowski, a Polish pastor who went viral for demanding that officers checking for COVID compliance leave his church on two separate occasions, was arrested for holding an “illegal” service in May of 2021.

Pawlowski’s case rose to prominence when the pastor went viral for demanding police officers checking for COVID compliance leave his church.

“I do not cooperate with Gestapo,” the pastor railed. “I do not talk to the Nazis. You came in your uniforms like thugs. That’s what you are.”

The Toronto Sun reported that Pawlowski had “received numerous tickets during the COVID-19 pandemic,” including an incident in which he was fined $1,200 by Calgary Police for allegedly feeding the homeless, an event which ran afoul of restrictions at the time.

Pawlowski last week began his trial for allegedly causing $400 million in damages by officiating a church service during the trucker blockade at the U.S.-Canada border last year.

Pastor Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church in Alberta was arrested in front of his crying children after Canadian law enforcement used a helicopter to locate where his church had been secretly meeting during the pandemic.

Stephens spent weeks in jail but was later acquitted.

And now, we have Canadian pastor Derek Reimer arrested for protesting a drag queen story event targeting children.

“We are disgusted and disturbed and appalled at the perversion and the indoctrination of the centralization and the normalization of this homosexual agenda and drag queen transgender agenda on the children,” Reimer told LifeSiteNews.

Everybody should be disturbed and appalled. Especially the Christian leaders Carlson is calling out.

In stark contrast to the People’s Republic of Canada, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are both moving to ban drag queen events involving children.

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